Bhikkhu Anālayo | schedule
14 to 19 August
XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Seoul National University, Korea, section “Buddhist Literature”
paper on “Early Buddhist orality and the challenges of memory”
end August 2022 – end August 2023 | year-long personal solitary retreat, no teaching activities
23 to 30 September (with Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā) online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat
[in Italian, no English translation]
30 September to 7 October (assisted by Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā and Helena Pauptit) online
mindfulness in early Buddhism study and practice course
[in English; with Dutch translation]
20 to 29 October (with Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee, Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā) online
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA
5 to 14 April (with Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee, Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā) online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA
25 April to 2 May (with Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā) online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
[in Italian; no English translation]
4 to 11 May online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat (9-week preparation starts 9 March)
[in English, with Chinese and Korean translation]
Āgama Research Group Taiwan
apply | Chinese | Korean
22 to 29 June online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat (9-week preparation starts 27 April)
[in Spanish, with Portuguese translation; no English translation]
Āgama Research Group
Templo Tzong-Kwan, São Paulo, Brazil
Fundación Bodhiyāna, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Monasterio Bodhiyāna, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sociedad Mindfulness y Salud, Buenos Aires, Argentina
info Spanish – Portuguese
5 to 14 July (with Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee, Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā) online
divine abodes & emptiness practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA
15 to 20 July online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
[in Spanish; no English translation]
May 29 to June 6 online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
[in English, with Chinese and Korean translation]
Āgama Research Group Taiwan