Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā – schedule

see also here



5 October to 20 December, 1 to 5 pm online
Episteme ed epistemologia nel pensiero del buddhismo antico
(30 hours, Laboratorio di filosofia dell’India)
at the Department of Philosophy, Perugia University, Italy


27 & 28 November online
paper on “Knowledge tied to or freed from identity? Epistemic reflections through the prism of the early Buddhist teachings”
conference Buddhist Canons: In Search of a Theoretical Foundation for a Wisdom-oriented Education – Tung Lin Kok Yuen International Conference at the Centre of Buddhist Studies of The University of Hong Kong & the Tung Lin Kok Yuen


15 to 17 May onsite
paper on “Revived Theravāda bhikkhunīs and the bhikkhusaṅgha: institutional asymmetries, legal and existential dissonances”
conference “Gender asymmetry in the different Buddhist traditions through the prism of nuns’ ordination and education”
at the Department of Philosophy, Perugia University, Italy

22 May onsite & online
paper on “Il potenziale trasformativo delle ‘dimore divine’ o ‘incommensurabili’ nella teoria e pratica meditativa del buddhismo antico”
conference “Le frontiere della scienza contemplativa: psicoterapia, neuroscienze, mindfulness e Dharma”
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

14 to 19 August cancelled
panel convener (with Vincent Tournier) “Khuddaka/Kṣudraka: concept, texts and collections”
paper on “Kṣudraka quotations in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā”
at the XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Seoul National University, Korea

14 October online
masterclass “Estudio, teoría y practica de la meditación budista temprana”
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

19 December onsite
paper on “Giving pabbajjā: an exploration of the textual, legal, and institutional implications of women’s ordination by Theravāda bhikkhus”
workshop Embracing the Precepts and Committing to the Dharma: Governing Bodies across Buddhist Traditions
at the Department of Philosophy, Perugia University, Italy


2 June online
10:00am – 12:00pm CST
Revived Theravāda bhikkhunīs and the bhikkhusaṅgha: institutional asymmetries, legal and existential dissonances
Khyentse Foundation Buddhist Studies Lecture Series at Northwestern, Northwestern University


October onsite
Upāyikā Āgama Research Group project
Department of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan

October 25 onsite & online
King in the Discernment of Subtleties (察微王): The Intellectual Legacy of Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020)
my scholar-friend Stefano
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy


January 15–April 22 onsite
seminar in Buddhism and Buddhist texts
Thursdays 14.00-17.00 @ visiting professor, University of California at Berkeley, USA

March 13 onsite
public talk on the Theravāda bhikkhuni revival and the bhikkhu-saṅgha: legal and existential dissonances, institutional betrayal
Stanford University, USA

March 21 onsite
guest talk on the re-establishment of the Theravāda bhikkhunī-saṅgha: its multiple dimensions in real-life
University of California at Berkeley, USA

April 2–3 onsite
intensive reading seminar on Vinaya texts
University of California at Berkeley, USA

April 3 onsite
Mapping the path, mapping the fruits: meditation, attainments, legitimization, subjectivity, and neuroscience: from early Buddhism via Theravāda to postmodern practitioners—a case study on ‘fruition’ and ‘cessation’
University of California at Berkeley, USA

April 8 onsite
public talk on early Buddhist teachings on the construction of meaning and subjective experience
Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages, Berkeley, USA

April 25 onsite
Buddhism 2075: shaping the identity of European Buddhism
conference @ European Buddhist Union, Vienna, Austria

August 10–15 online & onsite
an essential companion reader to the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya: Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā and the oral transmission of Mūlasarvāstivāda Āgama and Vinaya texts
XXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Leipzig University, Germany
info (t.b.a.)

December 15–31 onsite
Upāyikā Āgama Research Group project
Department of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan



30 August – 25 October (with the participation of Bhikkhu Anālayo) [in Italian] online

online interactive mindfulness in early Buddhism study and meditation course

5 to 11 October (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) [in English] online
the four immeasurables & emptiness practice retreat
organised by Centro Upāya
at Herdade do Barrocal de Baixo, Portugal

23 to 29 October (assisting Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
the four immeasurables & emptiness study and meditation course
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

28 and 29 November online
Saturday 15-18 & Sun 10-13
seminar on specific conditionality in early Buddhist meditation: name-and-form & consciousness
Fondazione Maitreya, Rome, Italy


2 to 8 April (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) [in Italian] online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat

9 to 18 April (assisting Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
mindfulness in early Buddhism study and meditation course
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

12 June online
MBSR – Mindfulness professional training for instructors
Associazione Italiana per la Mindfulness

17 to 24 September (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) cancelled
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
[in English with Korean translation]

3 October to 28 November (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
9-week mindfulness in early Buddhism study and practice course
[in Italian; no English translation]

6 November online
Mindfulness: presence to the present
Dharma talk with Q&A session
Mid-America Buddhist Association (MABA) “Opening the Gates to Awakening” series
1:00 – 2:30 pm CT | zoom meeting link: here | meeting ID: 880 7239 2264 | passcode: 130185

12 to 21 November (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
mindfulness of breathing study and meditation course
early Buddhist meditation path program
at theBarre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

4 to 11 December online
mindfulness of breathing in early Buddhism practice retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

18 or 19 December online
il nobile ottuplice sentiero secondo il buddhismo antico
day-long workshop
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]


1 to 10 April (with Bhikkhu Anālayo & others) online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at theBarre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

23 to 30 April(with Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
[in Italian; no English translation]

26 to 29 Mayonsite
internal-external & brahmavihāra retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

10 June online
MBSR – Mindfulness professional training for instructors
Associazione Italiana per la Mindfulness

30 July to 6 August (with Bhikkhu Anālayo)online
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
[in English; with Chinese translation]
organised by the Āgama Research Group
info (simplified Chinese: info)

29 August to 17 October online
8-week mindfulness in early Buddhism study and practice course
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

2 to 11 September  online
silent retreat in early Buddhist meditation: continuing the path together
(for participants of Bhikkhu Anālayo’s path program in Early Buddhist Meditation)
freely offered at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

25 Septemberonline
10:00-12.30 am CEST
Verdiepingsochtend 5 khandha’s (vanuit vroeg Boeddhistisch perspectief)
Online Dhamma studiegroep, Netherlands

2, 9 and 16 October online
miniseries on “esperienza e stadi del risveglio nel buddhismo antico”
9:00-11:30 am Central European Time
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

8, 15 and 22 October  online
series on “experience and the stages of awakening in early Buddhism”
9:30-11:00 am Pacific Time
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, Redwood City, CAL, US


28-30 Aprile online
private practice and translation workshop for Āgama Research Group Chinese translation team
Āgama Research Group @ Taiwan

30 April, 7 May and 14 May online
series on “sammā-diṭṭhi: la retta visione secondo il buddhismo antico”
9:00-11:00 am Central European Time
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

 6, 13 and 20 May online
series on “sammā-diṭṭhi: right view in early Buddhism”
9:30-11:00 am Pacific Time
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, Redwood City, CAL, USA

27 May to 3 June online
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Taiwan
[in English; with Chinese and Korean translation]

27 May to 3 June online
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

17 Septemberonline
9.00-12.00 am CEST
samādhi e sammāsamādhi nel buddhismo antico: teoria & pratica
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

18 Septemberonline
19:30-21.00 pm CEST
samādhi as a factor of awakening (bojjhaṅga) in early Buddhist meditation
Online Dhamma studiegroep, Netherlands
[in English]

23 to 30 September (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

30 September to 7 October (with Bhikkhu Anālayo & Helena Pauptit) online
mindfulness in early Buddhism study and practice course
Āgama Research Group & 30NOW
[in English; with Dutch translation]

20 to 29 October (with Bhikkhu Anālayo, Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee) online
mindfulness in early Buddhism practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

19 November onsite
etica & meditazione nel buddhismo antico
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
at Convivio Vegetariano, Collevecchio in Sabina, Italy
[in Italian; no English translation]


5 to 14 April (with Bhikkhu Anālayo, Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee) online
mindfulness of breathing practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

25 April to 2 May (with Bhikkhu Anālayo) online
brahmavihāra & emptiness practice retreat
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
[in Italian; no English translation]

5 to 14 July (with Bhikkhu Anālayo, Dawn Scott, Rhonda Magee) online
divine abodes & emptiness practice retreat
early Buddhist meditation path program
at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA, USA

18 to 28 July onsite
meditation retreat: Dai quattro elementi al senza-segno (animitta)
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
Monastero Clarisse Eremite, Fara in Sabina (RI), Italy
in Italian

17 August  online
Working with the three unwholesome roots: a practical approach
9:00 am-12:00 pm Pacific Time
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, Redwood City, CAL, US

18 August  online
le tre radici non salutari: insegnamenti, meditazione, dialogo
9:00 am-12.00 pm CEST
Āgama Research Group @ Italia
in Italian

November 1 online
the four immeasurables or divine abidings ​in early Buddhist meditation
online @ Centre for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PRC

November 26 online
‘sofferenza’ e ‘compassione’ tra salvezza, liberazione, fede e ideologia: prospettive storico-religiose sul cammino spirituale nel cristianesimo & nel buddhismo (with Javier S. Fermín)
online @ Āgama Research Group Italia, Italy | in Italian

December 15 online
i quattro stati illimitati o dimore divine nel buddhismo antico: insegnamenti, meditazione, dialogo
Āgama Research Group Italia, Italy | in Italian


May 2 onsite
mindfulness secondo il buddhismo antico: teoria e pratica (with Fabio Giommi & Antonella Commellato)
onsite @ Barza d’Ispra, Associazione Italiana Mindfulness, Milan, Italy
in Italian

May 3 online
early Buddhist teachings on not-self and the construction of identity: a practical approach to personal authenticity and relational sincerity,
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, Redwood City, CA, USA

May 4 online
insegnamenti del buddhismo antico su non-sé (anattā) e costruzione dell’identità: un approccio pratico all’autenticità personale e sincerità relazionale
Āgama Research Group Italia & Fondazione Maitreya, Rome, Italy
in Italian

May 7 online
conversation with Ajahn Kovilo & Ajahn Nisabho
6:00-8.00 pm Pacific time, Clear Mountain Monastery Project, Seattle, WA, USA

May 17–July 29 (practice retreat July 19–26) online
mindfulness of breathing study & practice program
Āgama Research Group Taiwan
in English, with Chinese and Korean translation

November 15–16 onsite (with Fabio Giommi)
“what is Buddhist psychology?” workshop
Nous, Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia, Milan, Italy

November 30 online
the brahmavihāras in early Buddhism theory & practice
online @ Āgama Research Group & 30NOW

December 4–14 onsite
meditation retreat
Centro di meditazione buddhista Pian Dei Ciliegi, Ponte dell’Olio, Italy
in Italian (and maybe English)


June 10–14 (with Helena Pauptit) online
the brahmavihāras in early Buddhism: in theory and practice | 5-day practice retreat
Āgama Research Group & 30NOW
in English


January 30–April 10 (practice retreat April 3–10) online
four immeasurables and emptiness study & practice program
Āgama Research Group Taiwan
in English, with Chinese and Korean translation
info (t.b.a.)